Friday, February 12, 2010

CPS is trying to take my baby twins on a false accusation made by my boyfriends mother wants them.?

My boyfriends felon mother wants my baby's. Her felony and age keeps her from being able to. her daughter, who lives with her is the one going for the adoption. It is said that the CPS social worker has been paid by the mother to make sure they can take my twins. The report she made was that I was crazy and was going to drive myself and my baby's into a lake. This is outrageous!! Also Untrue!! The social worker took them from me on ';threat of abuse and neglect';. This is also outrageous! I left my boyfriend in june. Got our own place. Things were great, then on Sept 9th, she made the call because my boyfriend was sad, he said. Now my baby's live foster cared with my mother. I only see them supervised one time a week. Supervised for 2 hours. The lies that the social worker submits to the court about me are ridiculous. My boyfriend is in jail for the past 3 months and is ordered to check into a rehab for 6 months. He claims the so. worker has a crush on him. It shows. My required therapist believes this also. I have been tested for drugs about 60 times, all negative, of course. I have been tested psychologically and received great scores. Although, the so. worker changed the results for the court docs. My therapist actually received the true and fake results and just notified me of the forgery. The entire case is a fraud and my baby's are in turmoil as myself. We cry every week we must be torn from each others arms. I applied for an atty. buy the so worker told the gal at the courts, (her personal friend) that I'm rich because, I had her over to my home, and it is quite nice.She declined my ap. Social worker claims now that I lie about everything. She submitted to the court that I'm suicidal and have made threats of murdering her, my baby's and my boyfriend. She claimed the police had 5 reports of this and I should be admitted to a mental ward. The police have no record of this at all. She may need to be checked in. I just need an Attorney DESPERATELY!! How can I get one and get my Baby's back. I'd also like to file against this CPS worker and the state for treating us so wrong! My daughters were 9 months old when taken. They are now 16 months. We are in dire need of help. We have been wrongfully accused, separated and judged. There is no proof to her accusations or investigation.CPS is trying to take my baby twins on a false accusation made by my boyfriends mother wants them.?
A lot of CPS fraud goes on nowadays. Here is a website that may be of some help.

http://www.fightcps.comCPS is trying to take my baby twins on a false accusation made by my boyfriends mother wants them.?
You have to go over their heads. Send a letter to the judge, take any parenting classes you can. Do what ever you can to show the Judge you are doing your best. Try to find people who have know you a long time. Your doctors, old teachers, friends, bosses, your church. etc. Don't get made and slip up. Start writing who you speak to, where (phone call/visit) what about etc. If you get or send out mail reguarding this write it down and when or what it was. Keep yourself up, keep up with your house, job, bills, education or whatever your're doing. I was a foster parent and they ended up not liking me because Ipointed out there faults.

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