Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How can I disprove a false accusation against me when there is probable cause?

I was accused of taking money out of the safe at work but I didn't, the disposable bag was already empty when I got there. On the cameras it shows me holding the bag and looking at it all crazy (because it is empty and it shouldn't be) and then putting it back so I could show the district manager.

Then I saw the deposit log and it had 2 amounts for that day (when there should only have been 1 for that morning) and the two amounts were very close. So I figured the previous person must have just listed the wrong amount on the bag, then opened it and put the money in a new bag and put the correct amount on it. So I then threw the bag away since I saw that the deposit for the day shift had been made.

Then nearly 2 weeks later I am told there is a missing deposit and later I remember about this incident and it was in fact the same day. They said that there was a missing deposit and that they don't know what that other person made 2 separate deposits, but either way, it's missing.

On the cameras it shows her with the money but the camera faces her back because it is pointing at the safe which is on the floor. The whole time she is counting the money and then messes with the bag, but her back is blocking whats going on. So you can't see if she put the money in it or not, or if she put it in then re opened it and took it out.

And it shows me look at the bag but doesn't have a wide enough view to show that I put it in the trash can.

I understand how there could be probably cause, but I didn't take it and I feel heart broken that they think I did and scared about what could happen.

What can I do?How can I disprove a false accusation against me when there is probable cause?'re talking about videotaped evidence here, so if they filed charges and this is going to court.....this sounds a little more SOLID than you are perhaps making this sound. I am sorry......but what you DESCRIBE sounds really IFFY.......and pressing charges and DA's and lawyers, sounds like they don't have a whole lot of DOUBT here.

You're already saying your lawyer, would NOT want you to give you side. That's not a good sign. If he has seen the tape and heard your story......and doesn't want to fly that kite.......welll, there is probably a good reason. If the tape doesn't show her taking the money.......and LOOKS like she is making the deposit faithfully......and you're the one looking all ';crazy'; to use YOUR words, at an empty does that sound to you?

and honestly, with a lawyers ear and eye here........your story is a little confusing. You say there should only BE one deposit, but there were in fact already two? So what are YOU doing in the safe then? That's THREE.

so already, right there, YOUR story needs a little work, -----even if you are totally're not explaining yourself very well, which is deadly on the witness stand, because then it just LOOKS like you are lying and making stuff up as you go along.

And what is all this about DISPOSABLE deposit bags? Say what? I have never heard of such a thing. Usually deposit bags, for money, are lock bags, with keys for security purposes. What the devil is a DISPOSABLE deposit bag?

Why would a deposit bag, full of money, resemble ANYTHING that you would just throw away.???

They are usually awkward, easily recognizable things, for that very reason. I gotta tell ya.......I'm trying to help.......but this story stinks.

Sorry. If it went to a jury, you would be probably looking at the felony count, unless this story gets better.

Misdeamenor might be your best bet.

Sorry I know that's not what ya want to hear, but......but courtrooms are not playgrounds......and facts are facts. Good luckHow can I disprove a false accusation against me when there is probable cause?
You may want to talk to an attorney. If it comes up, you may want to offer to take a lie detector test - although if it came to that, you should talk to an attorney first.
How much trash gets put in that trash can? If not much, who empties it? That person might remember seeing smeting not normal in it. I wold request poly graph to clear your name.
File a complaint with the district attorney. Sounds like workplace harassment.
Talk to a lawyer.
I show my dad this question he a lawyer. he told me it sound like a set up get a cheap lawyer and one that not scared to sue that will comp all the fees for himself out of your winning.

Get parent to help you as well sometimes by making calls you find out you have relative with attourneys maybe even congress. you should be making phone calls to get the right people for this court battle says dad.

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