Friday, February 12, 2010

What causes people to make false accusations? What does it take to make them stop?

This answer follows the assumption that these false accusations are being made about you.

The cause: the belief that they need to make false accusations.

To make it stop:

1)Show respect towards yourself. Do that by asking them to quit it and the consequences they'll receive if they don't. Let them (and yourself!) know where you draw the line. Don't be a puss about it either. People, especially those whose respect is hard to earn, can't stand pusses.

2)Respect them in thought and action. It's hard to make an enemy of person who sincerely respects you. They are entitled to what they think and feel, no matter how false it is. Slander, however, is illegal, and should not be tolerated. Respect the person, discipline the behavior.What causes people to make false accusations? What does it take to make them stop?
It'll stop as soon as you cease this kind of reaction.What causes people to make false accusations? What does it take to make them stop?
demonic deception

Turn to JESUS as savior.
Psychiatric Illness and evilness makes people make false allegations. And a good old fashioned 'A**' kicking should make them stop.

If it doesn't, repeat step two again and again till it works.
they have their facts twisted. it is easy to believe what you think is the truth but the truth is far deeper than anyone can comprehend. don't retaliate and let it go. don't stoop to their level.

lost a good friend, don't know why. maybe he thinks i'm capable of unspeakable things. only God knows the truth for i haven't talked to him for two months. i pray that my good friend will not accuse of anything bad for i am innocent in the truest sense of the word. i rest my case.
Psychology and false accusations


pretty much the same thing I guess

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