Friday, February 12, 2010

Who's worse than a person that consciously slanders and makes false accusations about another? ?

isn't that a great injustice? and how should such person be dealt with?Who's worse than a person that consciously slanders and makes false accusations about another? ?
Slander is defamation, generally malicious, whether oral or written.

“The wicked one” deserves to be called the Devil, for he is a slanderer. Slander is a false, malicious, and defamatory statement about someone. God commanded Adam: “As for the tree of the knowledge of good and bad you must not eat from it, for in the day you eat from it you will positively die.” (Genesis 2:17) Eve had been informed of this, but through a serpent, the Devil told her: “You positively will not die. For God knows that in the very day of your eating from it your eyes are bound to be opened and you are bound to be like God, knowing good and bad.” (Genesis 3:4, 5) That was malicious slander against God!

The Israelites were commanded: “You must not go around among your people for the sake of slandering.” (Leviticus 19:16) The apostle John stated concerning a slanderer in his day: “I wrote something to the congregation, but Diotrephes, who likes to have the first place among them, does not receive anything from us with respect. That is why, if I come, I will call to remembrance his works which he goes on doing, chattering about us with wicked words.” (3 John 9, 10) Diotrephes was slandering John and deserved to be called to account for it. What loyal Christian would want to be like Diotrephes and imitate Satan, the great slanderer? This descriptive name was given to Satan because he is the chief and foremost slanderer and false accuser of Jehovah, his good word, and his holy name. The Greek di·a′bo·los means “slanderer.” (Compare Lu 16:1, where the related verb di·a·bal′lo occurs.)

Slanderous statements and false accusations are often hurled against God’s servants. “The chief priests and the scribes kept standing up and vehemently accusing [Jesus].” (Luke 23:10) Paul was falsely accused by High Priest Ananias and others. (Acts 24:1-8) And the Bible speaks of Satan as “the accuser of our brothers . . . , who accuses them day and night before our God.” (Revelation 12:10) Those falsely accused brothers are the anointed Christians on earth in these last days.

The words coming from our mouth can be as destructive as a blazing fire. Describing the ruinous effect of searching out the faults of others and broadcasting them, Solomon says: “A good-for-nothing man is digging up what is bad, and upon his lips there is, as it were, a scorching fire. A man of intrigues keeps sending forth contention, and a slanderer is separating those familiar with one another.”—Proverbs 16:27, 28.

A man who tries to scorch his fellow man’s reputation is “good-for-nothing.” We should try to look for the good in others and say things that build respect for them. And what about lending an ear to those who spread harmful gossip? Their words can easily arouse groundless suspicions, separating friends and causing division within the congregation. Wisdom will move us to pay no heed to them.Who's worse than a person that consciously slanders and makes false accusations about another? ?
Who's worse? Well, IMHO, that would be someone who hears the truth, refuses to believe it, and then continues to spread those lies and slanders, anyway. About the only way to deal with such a person is to pity them and pray for them. Returning their attack only makes them feel like martyrs to whatever cause they're espousing.

(Actually, I can think of quite a few more entertaining ways, but the law usually takes a dim view of them.)
lots of things are worse, but the spreading of any type of mis-information ought to be discouraged...

...but it's not....just check out the backtables of any evangelical Christian'll never find a greater concentration of BS in your life....except maybe in a Chick tract...which oddly enough, some of those sorry-*ss books actually reference...
Someone who knows about it and refuses to speak up.

Honestly, how to deal with a person like that depends on the exact circumstances, but you should definitely defend the person being falsely accused. He/she probably needs to know he/she has some support. :)
I would say a mental institution would be about right for some of the jackasses who answered me here .…
They should be impeached and tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity, regardless of their political office.
Well, if you can prove it's slander, than you can sue for defamation of character.
A person that causes severe physical harm to another.
Words aren't that bad, physical pain, for me is worse.

So someone who caused physical pain would be worse.
You mean like christians that demonise others beliefs to gain converts. The lies they spread about another religion. That sort of thing right!
one who slanders and makes more false accusations BACK !
ignore them....avoid them
A person that kills or otherwise harms another. That is way worse.
The president
Remember, God says vengeance is his. The person who lies will always be found out, in time.
The one who encourages it


Someone who reacts with violence.

Like say..Rioting over a cartoon...
trust me thats definitely not even in the top five of the worst things people can do in the world.
Those who listen to them.

One that double crosses his friends. don't matter who they betray them too. they are the lowest scum.

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