Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How do I fight against a false accusation?

I have been falsely accused by a girl I used to look after when she was about 7years old of rape. As you can imagine this is the worst thing that any-one could accuse any-one of.

I started baby sitting them when I was about 15 years old and I have just got married. The accusation was made on my wedding day and every-one thinks that it is the reason that I was accused ( because she had a crush or something) but it has really affected me bad. I went through everything that she is accusing me of when I was a child. I am currently off work due to stress, and now I have the social services telling me I can only see my kids under supervision. I don't know if I can take much more. I am due back at the police station on the 6th of October as I was arrested while on my honey moon, can any-one give me any advice as to how to clear my name of something I could never dream of doing, that was meantto have happened 13-14 years ago? Please help me.How do I fight against a false accusation?
believe me things r gonna get worst i had a drug addict accuse me of the same thing because i wouldn't give em money and police believed em that's what i mean by worst u now gotta deal with stupid police and c.p.s a complete bunch of thicko's saying that 7 yrs old i can't remember that far back i doubt the person will they gotta have evidence thats the only good thing without that they've nothing and it wud be chucked out of court why u gotta go back is puzzling but then again u r dealing with police police ain't intereted in waht others think their just gonna look 4 dirt even if it ain't there

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