1)Gemma Gregory, 28, accused seven different men over a six-year period.
2) The girl claimed they had met at a party when she was just 15 and that the walk home afterwards had resulted in a violent assault. She backdated the party ONE YEAR, so it became rape and paedophilia.
3)Crossfire co-host Tucker Carlson. He was accused of raping a woman whom he had never met in a city he had never visited.
4) William Hetherington, whose wife accused him of spousal rape during a bitter child custody dispute. Hetherington was imprisoned in 1985, and to this day is still awaiting justice.
5) the U Mass student who cut her own face and fabricated a story of attempted rape because she wanted the university to give higher priority to protecting women.
I could go on, but my stomach turned at reading some stories.
So, on one hand the definition of rape is broadening ever so large, as if fishing men to charge them with rape.
On the other hand, the stigma to rape is balooning and is kept at a higher level for men, but not for those who make false allegations.
But, I am sure, feminists don't really care about men getting accused. They would answer such claims by pointing the victims and how they suffer. After all, in some of their sickening mind, there is no word as justice - only retribution.To feminists: Why false accusation of rape matter?
Most Feminists see women as victims and men as perpetrators, and anything that even as much as raises eyebrows at this attitude as misogyny. It is for this reason that I don't believe Feminists who claim that they were raped in the past. Fair enough. They brought this disbelief on themselves.To feminists: Why false accusation of rape matter?
Sorry hun, but rape is a crime and you're whining about the falsely accused doesn't change the fact that very many women suffer from this despicable violence.
Only a truly self absorbed person would be so obsessed with the perpetrators rights rather than the victims.
Sounds more to me like you want to make excuses for rapists and not see anyone be accused, and while the women suffer, those men get off scot free!
The truth usually is.
They don't matter at all, I couldn't care less.
You say you know all about how we think, so why bother asking?
I care.
Very few people answered my question that they had personally been falsely accused. It's a negative image, even if they've proven themselves innocent.
On the flip side, no one would admit that they had made an accusation and failed to prove that they were raped.
Assuming the accusation was not a malicious attempt to ruin someone's life, but there was not enough evidence to prove that a rape had occurred.) ie - Woman is drunk and remorseful afterwards (through poor judgement/impaired judgement has allowed herself to be taken advantage of) and cries foul, does she deserve to be punished for false rape accusations?
Obviously thats horrible. But you can take a bunch of stories and put them together to make any kind of person sound bad. Replace you question and stories with children who have killed adults. Yes its happened, and yes its happened a lot, but does that mean kids have killed more adults than adults have killed children? NO, so its irrelevant. When you post questions like this its clear that YOU just have some hangups of your own.
PS, falsely accusing anyone of rape is something all feminists are against.
Just as it is with anyone...there's always the few that make it bad for the good.
The stigma of rape is horrible on a woman, too. Most women don't report their assault, either. If it was, in fact, a true rape, they face the following:
A) They have to face their perpetrator again.
B) Re-live the whole thing in a trial [if it goes to trial]
C) Have the perpetrator's lawyer stand their and try to make it your fault.
D) Live with the ';stigma'; of having been raped.
So, a lot of times, victims [male and female] won't press charges for those reasons.
I believe that there should be a fulfledged investigation into all reports of rape and, if the ';victim'; is found to have falsely accused someone of rape, then they should be imprisoned/fined for slander and false accusations/obstruction of justice.
Oh Christ just go away.
Yes there will be exceptions to every rule. However the vast majority of reported rapes (and that's a very small fraction of the total perpetrated rapes) are not fabrications.
I know men who have openly admitted to doing it... so it isn't like it doesn't happen.
Guys do their own nasty things, so why pick one thing about women that bugs you and harp on it?
And I love how you just pigeonholed all feminists and grouped them into one category. That's about as intelligent as throwing all democrats or all republicans or all Texans or all environmentalists into the same category.... different people are different, regardless of their arbitrary affiliations by which you choose to categorize them.
Grow up, get a life, and use your head.
If the legal systems outrageous bias towards women enables them to so easily ruin an innocent mans life becomes a matter of concern to us then fine we're all self absorbed.....
Also this does not mean we condone rape....it means we would like to the law to not go bum sucking women and we would like the law to maintain a neutral stance which would truly provide justice to all
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