I've been the victim of FRA's (false rape accusations) on two separate occasions. Though being falsely accused is no laughing matter, I did end up getting the last laugh. I hired a large, shall we say ';dark complected'; crack addicted male to pay a visit to both of my false accusers, and illustrate to them the difference between what is and is not rape. And in the end, there was nothing those biotches could do about it. What were they going to do, go to the police and cry rape---again?Feminists, do you chuckle when you hear about a woman making a false rape accusation?
If I said yes...I would be telling lies, and if I said no...you would accuse me of telling lies...so what is your point that you are trying to prove?
Do you feel any hint of regret that you trivialise such a serious subject as rape with your juvenile attempts to degrade women? I hope the female relatives you value and love do not get a clue about your feelings about such issues, because one of them who will have been sexually abused. assaulted or raped will be deeply offended by your callousness.
...disapproval for feeling aggrieved that someone trivialises rape...this will be another 'feminists have no sense of humour' rubbish...oh! dear I really need to get out more!
No, because for every false accusation, there are literally dozens of real rapes that don't get reported because the victim knows she will be blamed for it or she could face possible retribution from the perpetrator.
Why would we do that? Of all the crazy things.
It pisses me off because it make things bad for the woman who really does get raped because no one wants to believe her cuz of the one who lied.
The FBI says that all rape accusations are true, and everyone knows women never lie about rape anyway!
How dare you!
no I assist in chopping off the offensive object- make a trip to whichever country the alleged ';false'; rape occurred- forget about chuckling
Oh, God no. That's a horrible thing to put an innocent person through. I don't think someone would ever recover 100% from something like that.
I'm a man. Let me tell you your obsessed.
Second time I see your question about feminists... grow up.
Peace out.
Are you chuckling now at this oh so witty rape joke? Be honest, now.
U R MAD. u make my blood boil.
Nope, cuz very few false rape accusations are made. More like hardly anyone male or female reports that kind of crime because they feel to ashamed.
No, but I think you do because you enjoy being able to feel like a victim by proxy. I've often stated people should be jailed for making false rape claims.
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