Sunday, February 7, 2010

If filing a false police report is a crime, why don't women get jailed for making false accusations of rape?

The woman who falsely accused the Duke lacrosse team of raping her -- why wasn't she put in jail?

Anybody else who files false crime reports would be thrown in the slammer -- why do women who make false rape allegations get to skate?

.If filing a false police report is a crime, why don't women get jailed for making false accusations of rape?
Sometimes rape is hard to prove either way. Now in that Lacrosse case, most definitely that girl should have been thrown in jail! She ruined those boys lives. The prosecutor in that case should be jailed too, although I do think he did get in trouble and was made to quit? If a rape can be proven that it was false allegations, then most definitely the accuser should be prosecuted. This ho was proven to be a liar and should have been run out of town!If filing a false police report is a crime, why don't women get jailed for making false accusations of rape?
many people make false claims, accusations are thrown out there, there are times the media picks up the story and the accused is guilty according to most long before a trial.......hysteria takes over ....humans are emotionally charged and want a town hanging without even knowing the's soooo sad an accused could be innocent yet have their lives ruined, their good name ruined,, lose their job and family because of accusations....i've seen it dozens of times when i use to work in Child Protective Services, it is rampant, one parent accusing the other parent of sexually molesting their own kids cause one parent wants custody.....not even founded, the accusation alone cause HUGE pain or even imprisonment .....

SO YES, anyone who makes a false claim should have the law thrown back in their faces...... people can be very cruel to one another and there should be justice done
Social standards. 1) A lot think that the players where wrong for having paid ladies there in the first place, and 2) the Race card. Who wants Al Sharpton in their town.
Not every crime is leads to a criminal prosecution. Duh.
They don't always get off without penalty. Each case is looked at on its merits.
probably because they weren't actually false - but the guy being accused got to skate...

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