Monday, February 8, 2010

Men falsely accused of murder? Why antifems only concerned about false accusations for rape?

Doesn't this lack of concern for other crimes hide a secret approval of rape by anti-feminists. Is rape used by a male dominated society to control women, and keep them in fear? Aren't people in fear easier to control? Why do the antifems automatically assume that the tried and convicted rapist is innocent when the numbers show that they are prabably guilty. Only one in 10,000 rapists have been proven innocent.Men falsely accused of murder? Why antifems only concerned about false accusations for rape?
That's funny you say that too. Usually there is always evidence to back up the rape. Semen is usually left behind on clothes, and they do a pelvic exam to get any other evidence, including combing through the public hair to see if there is any strays left by the perpetrator.

Yeah the Duke case. That ***** should be prosecuted severely for her false allegations. But rape is very common. Murder really isn't.Men falsely accused of murder? Why antifems only concerned about false accusations for rape?
Apparently you are not paying attention then. The fact is that the Innocence Project has also freed 16 Men on Death Row for crimes they did not commit. The numbers of Men released who were falsely imprisoned and convicted of Rape is nearing 300. There are 450 Cases under review in Dallas Texas alone. It is the numbers of Men who have been unjustly imprisoned on what is becoming to some Men's Activists a Political Crime.

Guilt or innocence does not seem to matter, as long as some Man any Man goes to Prison. And there has been demonstrated cases of Prosecutorial Misconduct. In Santa Clara Calif. a DNA report was produced in a trial by Police. One problem there was no test done, the Technician who was listed as conducting the test did not exist, and the Police falsified it. The DA called it ';An Honest Mistake';. Makes you wonder what a Dishonest Mistake is?

Your assertion is bogus and untrue. Again it is a Straw Man argument intended to smear Men. Men are standing up for themselves. And are indifferent to the smear tactics of Feminists. Get your facts straight. Men are concerned about all forms of False prosecutions. Not just Rape. And unequal sentencing for Women.
Actually, NO rapists are proven innocent. If they were innocent, they wouldn't be rapists, would they? :-P

Pointless nitpicking aside, I think that's a bit of an unfair accusation. Anti-feminists may very well be concerned about people being falsely accused of other crimes besides rape, but it doesn't come up in a discussion of feminism and gender. It's a personal peeve of mine when people say ';Why do feminists (or some other group I identify with) care about this and not that?'; when in fact I/we tend to care about both issues, but the second one just hasn't come up in discussion because it's kinda off topic, or if it did come up, the asker didn't notice. Like in animal rights forums people get accused of caring about animals but not humans. Huh? Why would anybody expect us to be discussing human rights abuses on a forum that's about animals? Why would you assume that I don't mind children being beaten and starved because I only said that people shouldn't beat and starve their dogs?

Anyway, I also think it's very easy to be confused by rape statistics because it's impossible to directly measure incidence of rape and failures of the justice system to correctly distinguish between rapists and innocent men. I know the stats perplex me, and I've taken multiple university level classes about statistics and research design. I think no matter what you believe, there are numbers out there that will seem to support it. Rape is over-reported, rape is under reported, rape is common, rape is uncommon.. I could probably find you some credible-looking sources and some data to back up any one of those assertions if I really wanted to.
Because they like to deny that rape is common. In other words, if feminists are crying out about rape, men will pretend it doesn't really happen that often and that men are more likely to be victimized by false accusations.

And YES! Feminists do have a problem with women like in the Duke rape case because it ultimately makes it harder for real victims.

For all the guys who say to be falsely accused is worse than rape I ask you: would you rather have 12 drunken rapists go to town on you or have a bitter ex-girlfriend put you through a court battle. I sure as hell would pick court.
';Only one in 10,000 rapists have been proven innocent.';

That claim needs to be sourced and explained to be meaningful. In what way could a man be ';proved innocent';?

No one is automatically assuming that tried and convicted rapists are innocent!

When there is a murder there is a dead body. When there is a complaint of rape there is no certainty that the rape actually took place. That's where the concern about false accusations comes from.
In response to another post, yes, I have heard of the Duke case. However, it should be pointed out that there was underage drinking going on and the young men hired a stripper to entertain them. The combination of alcohol and immaturity is going to lead to situations like this. It's quite possible the charges were true but they couldn't be proved. It's sort of like what happened with basketball player Kobe Bryant. He probably was guilty of rape but she was not a credible witness so nothing happened to him. He lost some endorsement deals but was able to resume his career relatively unscathed.
I am not anti-fem.

But i have concern for both.

No, rape is a crime that rapists use to satisfy their desires for sex. Just like a murderer murders to have fun or drama.

Rape is hard to be proven ya, but with so many laws against it, it's hard to prove yourself innocent too.

As it for real anti-fems, i really doubt that they care more about innocent rapists than about theor raped daughters.

1 in 10,000? really? and what about the other ones? did they really rape? was that 1 innocent really innocent?

We can't know |:

Rape will never stop, just like murders and evil will not.

As for the anti-fems...i really doubt they care more about false accusations of rape, than about the risk their daughters are in.

It's not that simple, most people would care about both.
I know no women that has ever filed a false rape allegation but had to bow out because she was less then virtuous on the stand. It is amazing how these men (not all) can spot a good victim, rape her and get away with it because she willingly had sex with a few other guys. I do agree that the victim and the accused should be kept quite until the case is resolved. That is best for all involved and would not hurt anyone. However I also agree that I believe the duke boys did rape that girl and so did Kobe... I also believe O.J. murdered his wife and her boyfriend.
Anti-feminist concern about many thing, not just false allegation of rape..

But in case of rape...

The definition of rape continues to become ever expanding to the point of being ridiculous; this make it very easy for women to falsely accused men of rape. What worse is that the false accusers often get no more than a ';slap on the wrist'; for ruin an innocent man life.,2933,1940鈥?/a>
Who said we were ONLY concerned in any one area? We have many concerns. If you are falsely accused of anything it can destroy your life.

Edit: Capone made a good point. You are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty. Look how long it took the Duke boys to get cleared and people still think they are guilty.
I'm sick of hearing about the Duke Case.

Apparently the Duke case has become the poster boy for misogynists that ';WOMEN LIE ABOUT RAPE';

Never mind the thousands of women who have been raped since, during and before the case.

Misogynists don't seem to recognise that.
As far as they're concerned, we're all liars. Even when we're telling the truth, we're lying.

It's not that they ';approve'; of rape, they just think women change their minds after the fact.

And I challenge you to post the source for your statistic. I have not heard it before.
I think saying that they have a ';secret approval of rape'; is reading WAY too much into it. But it is interesting that they focus so much on a crime that is, in most cases, specifically inflicted upon women.
How can you say that men would use rape to control women? only a sick b*stard would rape a woman and to say that we would use that to control you is just wrong. You need to get out more! the world is a nice place you know.
I can't speak for anti-feminist. I can only say we have a law in this country. It's called the ';presumption of innocence';. Which means one is considered innocent until proven guilty.
Because rape is hard to prove, therefore easy to target as a false accusation.
Good question. I guess people focus on what interests them.

But if people are being falsely accused of murder, men or women, it should concern us all.

Cheers :-)
Ever heard of the Duke rape case? That sort of thing happens all too often. Did you condemn the woman for making false charges in that case?
Prove it.
I'd like to see where that 1 in 10,000 stat comes from.

Anyway, the reason why men-and some women- focus on false rape accusations is because most times that rape occurs it basically comes down to a he said vs. she said situation. It's pretty rare for there to ever be solid proof one way or the other. So there's a lot of gray area involved. There are some gray areas with murder too-such as a case where two people get in a fight and one kills the other, is it self defense or murder?- but generally murder is more clear cut than rape is. There typically is less gray area. Plus, while the legal punishment for murder is typically worse than that for rape, in many ways just being charged of rape is enough to kill a man's career, social life, cause him to lose his family, etc. For whatever reason, rape is often seen as a more heinous crime than murder.

I've said it before, but I'll say it again. I'd rather be accused of murder of a man than rape of a woman because of the way society treats the two. Being convicted is another story.

Pookie- And there have been plenty of false rape accusations since then as well, probably not as many as real rapes, but more than there should be. I've heard of a few others. The reason why it gets brought up so much is because everyone knows about it.

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