Sunday, February 7, 2010

Are you a victim of and hate false accusations? Do you think people practice them for sick pleasure?

Have you ever gotten in trouble or had your reputation ruined by false accusations? I have. In many ways. I can't seem to catch a break where ever I go. I've been falsely accused of stealing, peeping at women, and all that nasty stuff. How do you guys deal with false accusations? Could false accusers be prosecuted for any F.A., even the ';little'; lies? I don't believe there are such things as small lies and little false accusations. They are not ';little'; because they are aimed at hurting people like me. What do you think?Are you a victim of and hate false accusations? Do you think people practice them for sick pleasure?
i've been accused, but it's always been warranted.Are you a victim of and hate false accusations? Do you think people practice them for sick pleasure?
I have been a victim,the serious and hurting one was when i was 13,whole class ignored me,even this girl who is supposedly my best friend,who still says so even today,but it was hell!then again they got aware that this girl who bitched about me was wrong.people do get this sick pleasure by bitching a lot about innocents,but we have to learn to deal with it.I have learnt to deal with it,so its not a big problem any more,because those who have to understand me have understood me well,and i give a damn about people who dont!

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